Centerpoint Church

Sundays at 8:30 & 9:45 AM

Interested in Centerpoint?

Our weekly services happen Sundays at 8:30 and 9:45 am at the Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac Don’t miss upbeat worship music, a positive message and fun for your kids. 

New message series: Life of David

David went from a nobody to somebody. He was deemed a man after Gods heart. How? How do we move from being a nobody to somebody for God? Check out a Sunday at 8:30 and 9:45 at the Childrens Museum of FDL to hear some unique stories about King David!

Easter At Centerpoint

Easter Week

Jesus had a communal meal known as the last supper with some of his closest friends and followers right before the Easter events happened. Hop into a Supper Club to meet some new people, bond over faith, and reflect on whats to come! Check out the different groups here. 

Be a part of community impact in FDL.

Sign up for monthly updates on how you can help make Centerpoint Church a catalyst for change in your family and in the entire Fond du Lac community. 

Centerpoint is a church for you.

We are a church with a mission to help you take the next step in developing your relationship with God. 

Next steps for you...

You can help now...

Next Step Seminar

Community Groups & Midweek


What to Expect at Centerpoint...

We believe a positive culture is essential to helping people grow weekly.  Every weekend we put an emphasis on making sure the tone and experience at Centerpoint is life giving. Whether that’s through an encouraging message, conversation with friendly people, or just being in a space that is inclusive.

Quality is a standard we value at Centerpoint. We believe excellence is important in all aspects of the church. This will be seen from the moment you walk in with how welcome you feel. It will continue with engaging worship, a practical and relatable message, exceptional children’s ministry, all the way to how clean the bathrooms are.

Centerpoint offers fun kids’ programming for ages birth through 5th grade.  Your child will enjoy their age-appropriate teaching at the same time you are experiencing a Sunday service. They will sing, dance, play, and learn about Jesus’ love for them each week while having lots of fun.

We all want authentic and real relationships. At Centerpoint we not only help you start and grow a relationship with Jesus, but also with others who are trying to do the same thing. We offer fun, not weird, community events that will help you start new friendships.


We as a church have a mission to help you and others take their next step in their relationship with God. This is seen through our attempts to reach unchurched people in Fond du Lac and through service to our community. We not only have a goal to impact Fond du Lac with Christ’s love but also our county, state, nation, and world.

Our mission is to help you take your next step in developing your relationship with God. We want to give you opportunities to grow and mature in your faith, whether that is through attending a small group, gaining a deeper sense of awe for God through understanding scripture better, actively living out your faith, or leading.

Why Fond du Lac?


God has called us to a place where there are people who have not made God a priority in their lives.


We believe Fond du Lac is on the brink of change. We want to be a part of the change that grows not only individual lives, but the entire city.


We have a passion to care for a community. Whether that is for one without a meal, a friend, relationship with God, purpose, or dream.

Where we meet:

The Children’s Museum of FDL is where our Sunday Services take place. It includes a 5,000 sqft auditorium, Children’s exhibits for children’s ministry on Sunday and a giant foyer for connections! Check out a service at 8:30 or 9:45 am on Sunday morning.

The Point! Our staff office and midweek ministries are located at 347 Winnebago Drive. 

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