About Centerpoint
To help you take the next step in developing your relationship with God
A church that reaches the unchurched.
- Reaching people where they are at in their walk with God
- Helping people start a personal relationship with God
- Producing committed and growing followers of Jesus
- Serving the community, state, nation and world
- Creating opportunities for real and meaningful relationships
God is the being that created the universe and sustains everything in it. We believe that God is made evident in the life of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father.
The Bible is God’s word. We believe it is accurate and authoritative. It is made up of books written by human writers inspired by God in pursuit to understand who God is. The Bible is what we use to guide our lives, learn who God is, and to help us figure out how God works in our individual lives.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to earth to make payment for the sins of all mankind. He is with and is co-equal with the Father and Holy Spirit. Jesus lived a sinless human life, and then died on the Cross, as the perfect sacrifice for peoples’ sin. Jesus rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. Jesus today is the ultimate leader of the Church on earth. He will return again someday to reign. Only through Jesus can we have eternal life and be made right with God.
The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the power of God within people here on earth and makes people aware of their need for Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit provides us with the understanding of spiritual truth and guides us to do the right thing. The Holy Spirit also lets us know when we do wrong things, or are thinking about doing wrong things. The Holy Spirit’s role is to guide us to living out God’s intended purpose for our lives.
Prayer is a way we communicate with God here on earth. Through prayer we can make our pleas, thank, and reflect on what God is doing in our lives. Prayer is also a way to analyze what we are doing with our lives and how involved we are allowing God to be in them.
Sin is anything that goes against the way God intends for us to live. Every human being is sinful. We learn what our sin is through analyzing our actions, thoughts, through scripture, the Holy Spirit, and through the application of the teachings of Jesus.
Salvation is God’s free gift to us, but something we must agree we need. We must acknowledge that we have all messed up, have been separated from God, and then accept God’s free gift of eternal life by accepting the gift of forgiveness without deed. We can never make up for our sins by self improvement, doing good things, or by being religious. Only by our pursuit and trusting in Jesus’ forgiveness, can we be saved from the penalty of sin, which is death. We must choose to believe in what Christ did for us, and follow him with our actions. God never forces a relationship or salvation on people, the choice is up to them.
The Church is a community of believers who are trying to reproduce the way and teachings of Jesus. The Church is both something local and something global. As a Church we are set to live out the missions declared by Jesus: Follow him, make new disciples, and care for others. The Church is the body of Jesus moving in the world today.
Aaron DeMaster is the Lead Pastor of Centerpoint Church.
Aaron grew up in Berlin, WI, graduated from UW-Green Bay with a Bachelors in Education and Spanish, and completed Seminary at Bethel Seminary with a Master’s in Christian Thought.
Aaron loves spending time with his wife Sidney, his two daughters Eliza and Claire, and his dog Willow. In his active free time Aaron enjoys teaching karate, hunting, sailing, surfing, running, biking, rollerblading, wakeboarding, paddle boarding and any other adventurous thing you can think of doing. In his downtime he likes to read, play guitar and enjoy a good cup of coffee!
Before planting Centerpoint Church, Aaron was a pastor at Ripon Community Church for over 8 years. During his time there, Aaron ran a youth ministry of close to 100 students weekly, oversaw outreach, missions, design, and tech.
Aaron has a dream to see the entire community of Fond du Lac to be impacted and exposed to the teachings of Jesus.
Centerpoint Church is associated with Ripon Community Church.