Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is this all taking place?
Our services take place in the Children’s Museum. The extra fun will take place in the parking lot.
When and what are the services like?
There are two 1 hour services at 8:30 and 9:45 AM. Our services are Biblical and life-giving services that are always positive, relevant and real. We offer kids ministry during the service in the Children’s Museum for kids from birth to 5th Grade. They get to have fun, have age appropriate teaching and more!
What is being offered?
In addition to the services, we will have fun happening out in the parking lot for about 30 minutes after each service. The fun includes live animals, free tacos, bounce houses, corn on the cob, snow cones, and more!
How much does it cost?
This is free!
Do I have to be a member or an attender of Centerpoint Church to come?
Nope, everyone is invited!
How do I find out more information about this event or Centerpoint?
You can contact us here.